Water Storage

On-Farm Smart Water Storage Network
This project proposes a water management solution that will revolve around the implementation of an initial 47 water storages amounting to a maximum volume of 9,000ML. These water storages will be complemented with a smart water management solution based on AI, which will capture detailed data around water levels, fire risk and biodiversity for the purpose of trading credits, preparedness for future bushfires and the fine-tuning insurance policies. 50% of the funding is committed from industry.


- Resource Optimisation – This project will help improve water reliability for agriculture.
- Resilience – Consequently bringing a range of benefits, the main ones being an improved climate and fire resilience as well as decrease of insurance premiums.
- Biodiversity – It will support the regeneration of native ecosystems on farms and offer opportunities for low stream flows and riverine ecosystems.
- Education – The region will further benefit through associated education programs and eco-tourism opportunities.
- Local Economy – It is expected that Agriculture and Food Manufacturing will stabilise at 700 FTE positions, milk volume from dairy farms will stabilise at 115 million litres per year, no water shortage for participating farmers, real-time data for the RFS and the provision of opportunities beyond the Agriculture sector.
- Community – It will support the production of Indigenous food/medicine.
Available grants/funding
Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund
KPMG Arwin, Rabobank, NSW RFS, Esri, Farmbot, Microsoft, Local Farmers