Organics Processing Facility – Improving Soils

Bega Valley Organics Processing Facility
Bega Valley Shire currently collects food and organic waste for processing using low-technology windrow composting. The compost product is relatively low quality, with high pH making it unsuitable for use on farm. Through investment in additional shredding, screening and sifting infrastructure, as well as more sophisticated process control, this project will generate a product suitable for reuse on farms, household gardens and public spaces.


- Resource Optimisation – The compost product would be applied to agricultural soils within the valley, including those owned or managed by Bega Cheese suppliers.
- Natural Capital – While achieving continued positive environmental outcomes, the project also helps manage a number of operational challenges faced by Council and increasing soil amelioration costs faced by farmers in the Bega Valley. It also supports development of paddock to plate to paddock circularity.
Available grants/funding
- BVSC matching funds
- Waste Less Recycle More grant program
Potential partnerships/investors
BVSC, Bega Cheese, Ocean2Earth, farmers, Woolworths