Net Zero Emissions

Bega Net Zero Emissions Water Supply Network
Pumping water is high energy use but can be shifted into different parts of the day to suit low carbon energy generation sources. Installing significant behind-the-meter solar can create a daytime energy supply opportunity which, coupled with process changes, can meet up to 70% of energy needs and export significant power. Energy storage systems, battery or otherwise, can close the gap for energy demand. Changing how and when we pump water needs smart control systems and smart operations to optimise return on investment.


- Carbon Neutral – This project will contribute to achieving Bega Valley Shire’s net zero emissions by 2050 target, through reduced emissions from water treatment and reticulation.
- Resource Optimisation – Power generated on site will reduce electricity transmission losses, while on-site storage will contribute to grid stability and load management. Export to the grid will contribute to reducing the carbon intensity of the electricity grid.
- Local Economy – Investment in capital installation, maintenance and operation will contribute to the local economy.
Available grants/funding
- BVSC matching funds
- No Grants identified
Potential partnerships/investors
- Essential Energy
- Water users