Environmental Planning Policy

Circularity State Environmental Planning Policy and Special Activation Precinct
This project is externally enabled through a partnership with NSW and seeks to establish a ‘regulatory sandbox’ to test circularity models such as carbon trading, and pilot circularity projects in the Bega Valley. This work will progress the NSW Government’s circular economy policy and lead to the development of a Circularity State Environmental Planning Policy and embedding of circularity principles in the next round of Regional Plans.


This project will streamline the regional planning system in response to circularity and aim to improve environmental, waste, economic, social outcomes.
- Regional Australia – It will establish a model for NSW Circular and the NSW Government and enhance collaboration among government and industry stakeholders.
- Resilient local economy – Through this work the Bega Valley Shire will be identified as a NSW Special Activation Precinct in its own right.
Available grants/funding
- Waste Less Recycle More
- Local Economic Recovery Fund
- Technology enabled primary industries
Potential partnerships/investors
- BVSC, NSW Circular Research Taskforce, CSU/UoW, NSW Regional, NSW Planning, EPA