
When designing our roadmap for the next ten years, we used the opportunity to include environmental, social and economic goals which go beyond the strict definition of circularity. These goals however are equally important and lift the aspiration to a more holistic level and will further improve the sustainability credentials of the Bega Valley.

The roadmap shows the specific areas in which the initiative seeks sustainable outcomes measured over three time horizons.

What would success look like?

Exploring the business case for Australia’s first circular net-zero footprint region

Waste generation/




Energy/GHG emissions

Animal Feed

Packaging & Logistics

Animal Care

Aged Care

Rural economy/

Tonnes of waste to landfill Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill Recycling rate by waste stream Circular inflows and outflows.

kL water used
% water recovery, treatment and re-use (water circularity)
Water quality (e.g. eutrophication)

Soil acidification
Land productivity
Rejuvenated soil
No. farms with regenerative practices

Land productivity and efficiency
Land use per industry/nature
Local biodiversity
Threatened species

% renewables
GHG from landfill reduced
Biofuel/gas captured
Carbon offset

Soil fertility
Land productivity and efficiency
External nutrient input phase out

Scope 3 (value chain) emissions decrease

Single use packaging phase out
% transport fleet using electric vehicles or biofuels

Reducing animal emissions
Reduced animal waste
Hormone free/organic fed

Population growth
$Community funding
Poverty rate
Homelessness rate
Local stakeholders engaged, circularity participation %
Domestic violence rates

$ Invested into economy from solution
No. jobs created
Unemployment rate
No. /$ training programs 
Skills improvement
No. new businesses and industries
Private investment 
Regional growth

Closed Loop

Close to zero waste to landfill

$ Re-manufactured goods sold
$ Trade in recucled/reused materials
% Waste to Hydrogen energy

Water recovery and reuse
% of water is recovered or reused (Waste to Hydrogen)
Recovered waterways
Water quality

Soil and land preservation
Re-wildered regions
Closed soil nutrient cycle
Land productivity
# farms with regenerative practices

Biodiversity in business mdel
Re-wildered regions
Local biodiversity
Threatened species

100% renewable electricity by 2030
% Renewable energy
Biofuels captured
Carbon sequestered

Closed soil nutrient cycles
Limited input of external nutrients
Nutrient recycling

Cicular logistics
Scope 3 emissions minimised
% of transport fleet using electric vehicles or biofuels

No. companies witha circular business model

Holistic animal care
No. credentials issued
No. patents for animal care initiatives

Rural (mental) health barometer
Population growth 
$ community funding
Poverty rate
Local stakeholders engaged circularity participation %
Mental and general healthcare costs

No. 1 Food and Agri Innovation Hub in Australia
No. jobs created
Unemployment rate
Training programs
Business innovation (start ups and social enterprises)
Private investment in regional growth
% circular reveneue /growth