Emerging Projects
On Farm Water Storage
A Regional Circularity Cooperative Flagship project seeking, to capture a small percentage of high stream flows during flood events for agricultural use during dry periods, improving agricultural resilience, reducing pressure on low stream flows and improving biodiversity through landscape hydration. A mechanism for licensing approval has been secured through the Water Sharing Plan process, funding still required to support on farm infrastructure investment.
Baselining circularity and opportunity analysis: Will be a first of its kind, place-based whole of economy baselining program and will include comprehensive material flow analysis and identification of transition opportunities. Partnership in development with CSIRO, Deloitte and others.
Sensorisation of the landscape to measure and demonstrate place-based transition: Partnership in development with CSU and a range of other partners.
Net Zero energy plan for the Bega Valley: plan to undertake opportunity analysis and roadmap for optimisation of energy efficiency and net zero energy production across the region. Partnership emerging with CSU, Essential Energy, CSIRO, Electrification and Energy Systems Network and others.
Other projects in development or under feasibility assessment include assessment of feed additives to reduce methane emissions, growing seaweed in Bega Cheese wastewater with aligned biogas generator, biochar production from multiple waste streams, utilisation of flyash from factory for low carbon concrete, supporting multiple local circular businesses. Bega Group is undertaking a range of circularity and sustainability projects across its footprint.
For more information contact Melissa Balas, Bega Group, 0408 669637 or
Andrew Taylor, Regional Circularity Co-operative Limited 0428 419 679