Launch of the Bega Circular Valley Program
In November 2023, the Bega Circular Valley 2030 Program was formally launched by the Regional Circularity Co-operative with a two day series of events held in Bega.
A circularity expo was held over both days at the Bega Commemorative Civic Centre where approximately 20 entities displayed their circular credentials for members of the public and schools to learn more about circularity in action. Stalls included local businesses and not-for-profits such as Ocean to Earth, the Sapphire Community Pantry, Renewable Cobargo and Grow the Future / Sapphire Coast Producers’ Association, members of the Regional Circularity Co-operative such as Bega Group, Pact Group, nbn, Bega Valley Shire Council, University of Wollongong and Charles Sturt University as well as numerous others. Hundreds of people visited the expo over the two days.
200 guests were treated to a dinner and panel discussion at the civic centre where the menu consisted almost entirely of local produce, including local beer and wine. Glenda and David Dixon gave a Welcome to Country very much in the context of the circular philosophy practiced in Aboriginal culture over thousands of years. Bega Valley Hire Mayor, Russell Fitzpatrick and Minister for Regional New South Wales, Tara Moriarty, continued the night’s presentations, followed by a panel discussion hosted by Deloitte’s Ben van Delden.
Panel members Barry Irvin (Executive Chair of Bega Group and Chair of the RCC), Kristy McBain (Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories), Lisa McLean (CEO of Circular Australia) and Michele Allan (Chancellor of Charles Sturt University) discussed the challenges and opportunities with transition to a circular economy and the vision of the Bega Circular Valley Program. A video produced by Deloitte and provided pro bono to the RCC was shown to illustrate the vision of the National Centre for Circularity. The night was topped off by a performance by the Djidjarns singers, Tamika Townsend and Michelle Dixon, singing in local Djiringanj and Ngarigo landguage.
Day two involved a launch of the soon-to-be-built National Centre for Circularity in North Bega, where about 150 guests attended. Rabobank generously provided their b-double truck which transformed into a stage and café, demonstrating the commitment of RCC members to collaboratively advancing the cause of circularity. A Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony was held, followed by presentations by Barry Irvin, Lizette Sint of Rabobank, Philip Cox from Cox Architecture and Kristy McBain.