Australia’s National Centre for Circular Discovery

Thanks to the generous support of Regional NSW, BegaGroup, Deloitte and expertise of Cox Architects, we welcome you to the Centre for Circularity – a world-leading fully-circular destination for curious minds. A Bega Circular Valley project

And special thanks to the supporters of the Centre for Circularity

See, touch and
feel progress

In true circularity, nothing is ever wasted.

It goes beyond sustainability, and it is more than recycling. It’s about
changing the way we create, consume and reuse resources.

Circularity is every system, person and business working seamlessly
together with natural resources, waterways, wildlife, local producers,
and Traditional Custodians.

Here at the Centre for Circularity you can taste, touch and see what
real circularity feels like.

Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots
Image of farmer holding a bunch of carrots

What to expect at the Centre for Circularity.

Experience the future of food production, land management, water
use, reforestation, agriculture and more in a state-of-the-art
experience centre, where every resource is used to its full potential,
with minimal waste and pollution.

With immersive and interactive experiences of real sustainability
projects at every turn, the Centre for Circularity isn’t simply a
showcase of sustainability – it’s progress you can feel.

Image of a young child holding a chicken in an open field
Image of a young child holding a chicken in an open field
Our Story

Impact you can feel


An inclusive centre of edu- and eco-tourism designed to bring circularity to everyone.


To showcase Bega Valley’s circular economy knowledge, data and projects, inspiring others on their own circular journey.


Shared knowledge, innovation and enthusiasm, in conversation with community, industry and First Nations people.


We will become Australia’s most circular Valley by 2030, and encourage businesses, students and others to be part of the circular transformation.

Image of a young child holding a chicken in an open field

How to get involved

Discover hands-on learning for young minds.

Students and their educators will be invited to join us on a journey of discovery.

Spark curiosity with farm visits, workshops, interactive exhibits and tours led byIndigenous Elders, then extend their learning with a range of digital tools onceyou return to the classroom.

Learn how circularity can transform business.

We’re proud to share our knowledge with local, national and international businesses.

Your visit will find you in awe-inspiring immersive workshops, exploring innovative ideas, and connecting with like-minded people and communities.Plus, our digital tools will continue your learning long after you return home.

Explore the future in 360 degrees.

All visitors to the Centre for Circularity will be inspired from the moment they step into the Valley.

Hear stories from the Yuin-Monaro people, interact with our exhibits and connect with the land. At the end of an engrossing day, take your seat for a sustainable dinner, with ingredients and dishes that showcase local commitment to zero waste.

Image of a young child holding a chicken in an open field

An ever-growing circle of trust

Our work is made possible by those who share our vision for a circular future. With financial investment from Regional NSW, Bega Group, Deloitte and the expertise of Cox Architecture, our circular aspirations are becoming a reality.

This generosity is further supported by the Regional Circularity Cooperative (RCC), whose foundation members work together to collaborate, share knowledge and continue to build on project outcomes.

Memberships to the RCC are available. Learn more at the Bega Circular Valley website or get in touch to find out how you can be involved.

Our Regional Circularity Cooperative (RCC) members


Stay in the loop

Get in touch to find out how you can be involved in the future ofcircularity.

    I’m interested in becoming a ...


    What’s happening

    Australia’s first fully-circular centre launched in Bega Valley
    Local communities, businesses, media and government joined the official launch of our world-class Centre for Circularity on November9.
    $14m for our “nationally significant”circularity destination
    Deputy Premier Paul Toole called the Centre for Circularity “aninstitution that is innovative and is looking clearly toward the future,”announcing a $14m grant from the Regional Tourism ActivationFund to boost its exciting development.
    Centre for Circularity one of 30 projects funded by NSW Government
    Sharing round two recipients of its Regional Tourism Activation Fund, the government called the Centre for Circularity “a great win for the local tourism economy.”

    Generations ofcircular history


    November 2023

    Official launch of RCC

    Bringing together local community, RCC partners, industry and government to crystalise connections and activate partnerships towards making the Bega Valley the most circular Valley.



    Flagship initiatives implemented

    The RCC will see through the delivery of in-train projects, in addition to two major digital projects, including the Bega Biodiversity and Carbon Market enablement project and the Landscape Resilience program.



    Centre for Circularity Opens

    The Centre for Circularity will showcase knowledge, data and circular economy projects underway in the Bega Valley. It will promote edu- and eco-tourism and inspire other individual, business and regional adoption of circular practices.



    Bega Circular Valley Program designed and Steering Committee formed

    2020 saw the creation of a world-first regional approach to circularity centres, focused on enabling social, environmental and economic benefits to government, communities and businesses. Its ambition is to build a replicable model with global significance.


    May 2021

    Bega Valley Circular Economy launched

    The official launch of the visionary Bega Valley Circular Economy


    June 2021

    Smart water and biodiversity proof of concept completed

    A project to install water storage on participating farms, along with digital solutions that allow real-time monitoring of water levels and biodiversity markers. The project will encourage more efficient use of water resources and promote resilience to drought and bushfires and enterprise stacking on farm.


    November 2021

    Regional Circularity Cooperative (RCC) registered

    Registration of a cooperative, not-for-profit and community-focused collective created to deliver 9 enabling initiatives, 15 flagship projects and 29 supporting projects for the Bega Valley.


    February 2023

    Circularity in Fisheries and Aquaculture project established

    A 3-year program in partnership with the FRDC, to deliver a Circularity Gap Report, capability and capacity building, a circular economy and performance assessment, and more.


    March 2023

    Managing Plastics and Organic Waste project established

    A project to upgrade Bega Valley Shire’s organic waste and plastics processing infrastructure to capture more value from this waste stream.


    June 2023

    RCC and NSW Decarbonisation Hub co-design carbon measurement project established

    A project in partnership with the NSE Decarbonisation Hub to establish baseline data and an ongoing monitoring approach for circularity and resource use across the region.